Emmanuel Bible Church
Worship & Word @ 10:30am
Our time together in morning worship is designed to provide an enriching experience of edification through the singing of psalms, hymns and spiritual songs; opportunities to share the blessings of God's working in our lives; careful and timely expounding of God's Word. We believe the experiences of God's people through the week are given greater meaning and value when shared and exposed under the light of these influences.
Fellowship Lunch
Our morning worship is followed by lunch in our fellowship hall and varies from a bring-your-own to dish-to-share, providing a time to connect with our fellow believers over life and its challenges as well as time to interact over the morning message.
Bible Study....1:30pm
Following lunch we provide a time of study designed for our adults in an interactive setting where we work our way through Bible passages, topics relating to current life issues and DVD studies.
Sunday School ...1:30pm
The children are engaged in Bible teaching while the adults are in the afternoon Bible study. We provide a systematic coverage of Bible books, stories and topics.
During our Sunday morning service we provide a Jr. Church ministry for our young people ages 5-10, with a nursery available for children under 5.
We value the opportunity to share the blessings, burdens and lessons of our lives as a family and believe prayer is vital to gaining the most spiritual help and profit in these matters. Therefore, we meet on Wednesday from 11am-1pm share in these, a time of devotion from the Word and then gathering before the throne of grace to seek the mercy and grace for our times of need(Hebrews 4:15,16).
The scriptures are abundant in making music part of the worship of God's people, corporately and individually, and that the music must be a means whereby God is truly honored and exalted in the minds and hearts of God's people. While we acknowledge a wide variety of this aspect in the church of our Lord today, we prefer to make most use of traditional hymns with a mix of spiritual songs as well as singing the Psalms.